Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Every second is History

No one knows what will happen tomorrow or even for the next minute that is why there's history. A simple past can make a change for the betterment of the world and for every human. We can assume some instances in our lives but still we can't be so sure about it.

HISTORY comes from a Greek word "historia" which means inquiry, knowledge, information that was acquired through observation or any form of investigation. It includes acquiring information in animals, environment, events, human interactions, affiliations, organizations, and through our own experiences.

History is an event that can't never change because it has its own reasons. As I said, "every second is History". No one can ever change that and intercept that. It is also made a link between our past, present and future.

Trivia 3:
It takes 17 muscles to make a single smile.

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